11 CROPS ZONE WKSP as issued a notification for filling 23 post vacancies of in the website www.lifeadmin.in eligible Indian candidates can apply to the post vacancies with concerned documents applications are inviting from our country citizens conditions for application education age caste fee medical etc
Name of organisation:-11 CROPS ZONE WKSP
Names of posts and vacancies and pay scale details
01.LOWER DIVISION CLERK no of vacancies 01 pay scale rs.5200/- to 20200/- p/m with Gd rs.1900/- p/m
02.MULTI TASK STAFF No of vacancies 04 pay scale rs.5200/- to 20200/- p/m with Gd rs.1800/- p/m
03.COOK no of vacancies 03 pay scale rs.5200/- to 20200/- p/m with Gd rs.1900/-p/m
04.BARBER no of vacancies 02 pay scale rs.5200/- to 20200/- p/m with Gd rs.1800/- p/m
05.WASHER MAN no of vacancies 02 pay scale rs.5200/- to 20200/- p/m with Gd rs.1800/- p/m
06.REFRIGERATOR MECHANIC no of vacancies 01 pay scale rs.5200/- to 20200/- p/m with Gd pay rs.1900/- p/m
07.ELECT (HS-II) no of vacancies 01 pay scale rs.5200/- to 20200/- p/m with Gd pay rs.2400/- p/m
08.WELDER no of vacancies 01 pay scale rs.5200/- to 20200/- p/m with Gd pay rs.1800/- p/m
09.TRADESMAN MATE no of vacancies 07 pay scale rs.5200/- to 20200/- p/m with Gd pay rs.1800/- p/m
10.TIN & COPPER SMITH no of vacancies 01 pay scale rs.5200/- to 20200/- p/m with Gd pay rs.1900/- p/m
and other emoluments are also given as per department rules
Educational qualification for these posts details:-
01.for LDC 12th class pass or intermediate pass form recognized board or university with good academic record and experience type writing speed of minimum 35 w/p in English and 30 w/p in Hindi on computer should be able to read comprehend and write in English
02.for Multi Task Staff matriculation or 10th class from recognized board preference is given to persons having good academic records and having experience a years experience in office work
03.for Cook Matriculation or 10th class pass from recognized board and Diploma in cooking from a recognized institute and 2 years experience in cooking from a Star Hotel or commercial organisation
04.for Barber Matriculation or 10th class pass from recognized board proficiency and one year experience in barber trade preference will be given candidates who have experience in similar trade in commercial organisations
05.for Washer Man Matriculation or 10th class pass from recognized board and proficiency in trade and one year experience in similar trade preference is given to candidates who have experience of similar trade in any commercial organisation hotels as regular washer man
06.for Refrigerator Mechanic Matriculation are 10th class pass from recognized board and certificate from Industrial Training Institution related with this trade one year experience on the job with Refrigerator mechanism Armed Force Personnel or Ex service man with similar trade with grade 1
07.for Electrician (Hs 11) 12th class pass or intermediate pass from recognized board and certificate from recognized Industrial Training Institute or diploma in electrician form recognized institution and one year experience with similar trade in commercial organisations or BSc with mpc trade from recognized university and one year experience or Armed force personnel or ex serviceman with similar trade and with grade 1
08.for Welder Matriculation or 10th class pass from recognized board and a certificate of Industrial Training Institution from recognized institution and one years experience in similar trade in a commercial organisation Armed force personnel with grade one professionals are given preference
09.for Tradesman mate matriculation pass or 10th class pass and a certificate of Industrial Training Institution from recognized institute preference will be given experience of one training inwith related trade or armed force personnel with related trade
10.for Tin Copper smith Matriculation or 10th class pass from recognized board and certificate from recognized Industrial Training Institution in similar trade and one years experience in same trade
Age limit:-The candidates interested to apply must have age in between 18 years and below 25 years for General category and reserved category candidates like obc are below 28 years and sc, st, are below 30 years and physically handicapped below 35 years physically handicapped sc, st, are below 40 years and for physically handicapped o bc, below 38 years as per government rules as on last date
physical fitness;-The candidates applying to the post must have good physical fitness and can able to perform hard duties
Selection procedure;-The selection of candidates are on the basis of written test and skill test in concerned trade and candidates are short listed as per merit order to posting
Application method;-Applicants must down load application form from website
fill it and paste a recent pass port size photos with gazetted attestation
enclose 10th class certificate, with gazetted attestation,
12th class or intermediate certificate with gazetted attestation
ITI trade certificates with gazetted attestation
caste certificate with g attestation
medical certificate in case of pwd with gazet attestation
other trade certificates with attestation by gazite
self addressed envelop cover by pasting 5 rupees stamp and send to 11 crops zone workshop pin-906311 c/o 56 APO
Last date for receipt of application forms is as on 11-02-2016
For more details about notification of direct recruitment to posts of 11 crops zone wksp search website www.lifeadmin.in